Deep Holders Inspection

Available for the following blockchains: Solana, Ethereum, Base, Polygon, BSC, Blast, Avalanche, Arbitrum

What is Deep Holders Inspection?

Deep Holders Inspection is an advanced security feature in Divine that performs a thorough analysis of token holders. It goes beyond simple wallet balances to provide a comprehensive view of token distribution and its potential impact on the market.

How does it work?

  1. Data Collection: The system gathers detailed information about token holders, including:

    • Wallet addresses

    • Token balances

    • Percentage of total supply held

    • Special statuses (e.g., contract addresses, liquidity pools)

  2. Supply Analysis:

    • Calculates the total token supply

    • Identifies and accounts for burned tokens

    • Computes an adjusted supply (the real supply) by excluding burned tokens

  3. Holder Concentration Check:

    • Identifies top holders and their percentage of the adjusted supply

    • Flags holders with unusually large percentages of the supply

  4. Liquidity Impact Assessment:

    • Analyzes each large holder's balance in relation to the liquidity pool

    • Calculates the potential price impact if these holders were to sell their tokens

  5. Smart Contract Analysis:

    • Identifies holder addresses that are smart contracts

    • Checks for potential risks associated with contract-held tokens

  6. Comparison Against Thresholds:

    • Compares holder percentages against predefined safety thresholds

    • Flags holders that exceed these thresholds as potential risks

Why is this important?

  1. Rug Pull Prevention: Large token concentrations in a few wallets could indicate a potential rug pull risk.

  2. Market Manipulation Detection: Identifying wallets with significant holdings helps spot potential market manipulators.

  3. Liquidity Risk Assessment: Understanding the relationship between large holders and available liquidity helps predict potential market impacts.

  4. Smart Contract Risks: Identifying tokens held in smart contracts can uncover hidden risks or locked tokens.

  5. Fair Distribution Analysis: Helps ensure the token is distributed fairly and not concentrated in a few hands.

Key Features

  • Adjusted Supply Calculation: Accounts for burned tokens and special addresses for more accurate analysis.

  • Dual Threshold System: Checks both absolute holding percentage and relative to liquidity.

  • Liquidity Impact Prediction: Estimates the price impact of large holders selling their tokens.

  • Smart Contract Identification: Distinguishes between individual holders and contract holders.

  • Cross-Chain Compatibility: Works across multiple blockchain networks.

Benefits for Divine Users

  • Enhanced Rug Pull Protection: Identifies potentially dangerous token distributions before they can be exploited.

  • Improved Market Insight: Provides a clearer picture of token distribution and potential market dynamics.

  • Liquidity Risk Awareness: Helps users understand the potential price impact of large token movements.

  • Smarter Investment Decisions: Enables users to make more informed choices based on token holder analysis.


While Deep Holders Inspection is a powerful tool, it's important to note:

  • Holder data is based on a snapshot and can change rapidly.

  • Some legitimate projects may have temporarily concentrated holdings in early stages.

  • The tool cannot predict future behavior of token holders.

  • It's one of several checks Divine uses; always consider the overall assessment.

Remember, while Divine works hard to provide these insights, it's always crucial to do your own research and invest responsibly. Token holder distribution is just one aspect of a project's overall health and potential.

Last updated

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