Cooldown System

Available for the following blockchains: Solana, Ethereum, Base, Polygon, BSC, Blast, Avalanche, Arbitrum

What is the Cooldown System?

The Cooldown System is a crucial component of Divine's Solana Blacklist Checker. It's designed to identify and flag addresses that frequently interact with multiple tokens in a short time frame, which could indicate potential pump and dump schemes, uninteresting or other suspicious activities.

How does it work?

  1. Address Tracking: When an address interacts with a token in a way that doesn't trigger an immediate blacklist, it's added to a cooldown list.

  2. Cooldown Period: This address is then monitored for a set period of time.

  3. Cross-Token Monitoring: During the cooldown period, if the same address interacts with a different token that triggers a signal, it's immediately flagged as suspicious and banned.

  4. Expiration: After the cooldown period expires without any suspicious activity, the address is removed from the cooldown list.

  5. Persistent Storage: Cooldown data is stored in a database to persist across system restarts.

Key Features

  • Rapid Response: Instantly flags and potentially bans addresses that interact with multiple tokens during the cooldown period.

  • Cross-Token Application: Monitors activity across different Solana tokens to catch pattern-based suspicious behavior.

  • Automatic Expiration: Cooldowns automatically expire after the set period if no suspicious activity is detected.

  • Database Integration: Uses Divine's database for reliable storage and retrieval of cooldown information.

Why is this important?

  1. Pump and Dump Prevention: Quickly identifies and stops addresses involved in potential pump and dump schemes across multiple tokens.

  2. Pattern Recognition: Catches suspicious behavior patterns that might not be apparent when looking at interactions with a single token.

  3. Proactive Security: Allows for immediate action against potentially malicious actors before they can impact multiple signals.

  4. Community Protection: Safeguards the wider token ecosystem by flagging and potentially removing bad actors quickly.

Benefits for Divine Users

  • Enhanced Security: Quickly identifies and acts against addresses showing suspicious cross-token behavior.

  • Ecosystem Protection: Helps maintain the integrity of the Solana token ecosystem by deterring pump and dump schemes.

  • Rapid Response: Enables immediate action against potentially malicious actors.

  • Cross-Token Insights: Provides a more holistic view of address behavior across different tokens.


While the Cooldown System enhances the Solana Blacklist Checker, it's important to note:

  • It may occasionally flag legitimate high-frequency traders (though this is balanced against the security benefits).

Last updated

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