
Available for the following blockchains: Ethereum, Base, BSC

What is Honeypot.is?

Honeypot.is is a specialized third-party service that Divine integrates to detect potential honeypot scams and other risks associated with cryptocurrency tokens. It's like a sophisticated trap detector, helping to ensure that users don't fall into cleverly disguised investment pitfalls.

How does it work?

  1. Token Submission: When Divine encounters a new token on compatible networks with Honeypot.is such as Ethereum, Base, or BSC, it sends the token's details to Honeypot.is for analysis.

  2. Simulated Transactions: Honeypot.is performs simulated buy and sell transactions to test the token's behavior.

  3. Contract Analysis: It examines the token's smart contract for suspicious code or functions.

  4. Liquidity Check: The service analyzes the token's liquidity pool and holders to assess its stability and fairness.

  5. Risk Assessment: Based on its findings, Honeypot.is generates a risk score and identifies specific concerns.

  6. Divine Integration: Divine incorporates this information into its overall security assessment, using it to make informed decisions about the token's safety.

Why is this important?

Honeypot scams are a significant threat in the cryptocurrency world. These scams allow investors to buy tokens but prevent them from selling, effectively trapping their funds. Honeypot.is helps Divine protect users by:

  • Identifying tokens that may be impossible or extremely difficult to sell

  • Detecting unusual tax structures that could indicate a scam

  • Uncovering hidden contract functions that could pose risks to investors

  • Providing a comprehensive risk assessment of new tokens

Key Features of Honeypot.is

  • Honeypot Detection: Specializes in identifying tokens designed to trap investors' funds

  • Multi-Chain Support: Works on Ethereum, Base, and Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

  • Tax Analysis: Examines buy and sell taxes for unfair or suspicious structures

  • Liquidity Analysis: Assesses the stability and fairness of the token's liquidity pool

  • Contract Scanning: Looks for suspicious code patterns and hidden functions

Benefits for Divine Users

  • Scam Protection: Helps shield users from falling victim to honeypot and similar scams

  • Transparent Risk Assessment: Provides clear information about potential token risks

  • Multi-Chain Security: Offers protection across multiple popular blockchain networks

  • Informed Trading: Enables users to make more confident decisions about token investments


While Honeypot.is significantly enhances our security measures, it's important to note:

  • It's currently available only for Ethereum, Base, and BSC networks

  • New, highly sophisticated scams might sometimes evade detection

Last updated

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