Solana Rug Check

Available for the following blockchains: Solana

What is Solana Rug Check?

Solana Rug Check is a specialized security feature within Divine that focuses on detecting potential "rug pulls" and other risks specifically for tokens on the Solana blockchain. Think of it as a vigilant guard dog that sniffs out suspicious activities unique to Solana tokens.

How does it work?

  1. Data Fetching: The checker retrieves detailed information about the Solana token from a specialized API.

  2. Top Holder Analysis: It examines the distribution of token ownership, focusing on the largest token holders.

  3. Liquidity Pool Assessment: The checker analyzes the token's presence in various liquidity pools.

  4. Risk Evaluation: It looks for specific risk factors, such as:

    • High concentration of tokens in non-liquidity pool wallets

    • Unusual distribution patterns among top holders

    • Tokens marked as "rugged" by external sources

  5. Threshold Comparisons: The system compares various metrics against predefined thresholds to identify potential risks.

  6. Report Generation: Based on its findings, it generates a detailed report of any identified risks or suspicious patterns.

Why is this important?

The Solana ecosystem, while innovative, can also attract bad actors. Solana Rug Check helps Divine:

  • Identify potential "rug pull" scenarios before they happen

  • Detect unhealthy token distribution that could lead to market manipulation

  • Spot tokens that have already been flagged as problematic

  • Provide Solana-specific insights that general blockchain scanners might miss

Key Features

  • Solana-Specific Analysis: Tailored to the unique characteristics of the Solana blockchain

  • Top Holder Concentration Check: Flags tokens with suspiciously high ownership concentration

  • Liquidity Pool Differentiation: Distinguishes between tokens held in liquidity pools and those in private wallets

  • Multi-Threshold Analysis: Uses various thresholds to catch different types of suspicious activities

  • External Risk Integration: Incorporates risk assessments from specialized Solana token databases

Benefits for Divine Users

  • Rug Pull Protection: Helps shield users from one of the most common scams in the Solana ecosystem

  • Manipulation Awareness: Identifies tokens with ownership structures that could enable market manipulation

  • Solana-Specific Insights: Provides security checks tailored to the unique aspects of Solana tokens

  • Comprehensive Risk Assessment: Offers a multi-faceted view of a token's risk profile


While Solana Rug Check is a powerful tool, it's important to note:

  • Token distribution can change rapidly, especially for new projects

  • Some legitimate projects might have temporarily concentrated token distributions during early stages

Last updated

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